景德镇陶溪川大剧院 | David Chipperfield Architects
阅读:9504 2022-01-13


Situated close to the city centre, the urban heritage of Jingdezhen includes an extensive area with large factory buildings from the local porcelain production in the middle of the 20th century. In the first phase of Ceramic Art Avenue Taoxichuan Masterplan, the existing buildings in the western part of the site were refurbished and developed to become a lively and public place within the urban fabric. With new functions such as a museum, porcelain shops and a ceramics market, the area forms a connection to its industrial past. In a second project phase, the eastern site is transformed into a campus for the performing arts with colleges, performance venues and further infrastructure. David Chipperfield Architects developed a master plan for this area, not only preserving and converting the existing buildings for re-use, but also complementing the urban quarter with new buildings to gain a contemporary presence as part of the broader city context. A pedestrian promenade leading through the centre of the former production site and a boulevard to its west open up the area in north-south direction.


总体规划鸟瞰图 aerial view of the masterplan


Along the boulevard, new public buildings are placed such as a Grand Theatre with two venues to the north and a hotel complex and library to the south, establishing the campus as a new city landmark. The new buildings complement the cultural institutions housed in the historic factory spaces, such as the music academy at the heart of the campus. In addition to these public uses, shops and residential buildings are also provided, including student accommodation.

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总平面图 site plan


The northern end is marked by the Grand Theatre, a new brick construction which refers to the traditional materiality of the historic industrial buildings. It accommodates two venues: a classical opera house and a black box theatre.

西立面图 west elevation

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The auditorium of the opera house is fully lined with walnut veneer and holds 1200
seats. The interior is horseshoe-shaped with three balconies. With this classical
European format, the auditorium reflects the meaningful connectedness of audience
and performers as one community who jointly experience an artistic performance as a
singular, authentic live event as opposed to today’s digital environment. The black box
theatre, lined in black wood, allows for various contemporary performance settings
due to its flexible and mobile stage area. In addition, the black box theatre can be
opened to the outside space - allowing for open-air concerts to be held on the campus.

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Both venues of the Grand Theatre are accessed at ground level via a spacious foyer
that opens the building towards the boulevard. The horseshoe-shaped auditorium of
the opera projects into the foyer where it is enclosed by a timber clad cloaks area and
a gallery above. The in-situ concrete architecture of the large-scale foyer roof carried by mushroom columns creates a continuous transition from the trees of the boulevard into the interior of the Grand Theatre. The uniform terrazzo floor emphasizes the connection between interior and exterior space further. The curved auditorium also emerges externally as a perforated brick volume above the foyer roof, shining like a crown of light at night and lending landmark character to the new venue.

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首层平面图 ground floor plan

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二层平面图 first floor plan

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四层平面图 third floor plan

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A-A 剖面图 A-A section

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面积:42,400 m2

负责合伙人:David Chipperfield、陈立缤、Martin Reichert、Alexander Schwarz (设计主创)
项目建筑师:Ulrike Eberhardt(概念设计至施工图审核)、杨旭(施工现场艺术监理)
项目团队:Martina Betzold、Alexander Bellmann、Sandra García Bornholt、Jinhui Huang、Kristin Karig、Levan Kiknavelidze, Anke Lawrence、Hubert Pawela、Maxi Reschke、Julijana Steimle、Nils Stelter
平面设计、效果图制作: Ken Polster, David Wegner

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